Saturday, April 2, 2011

Too late for love?

Dear Knickerbocker,

I'm a senior this year, and... well there's this girl. We've been friends our whole time at Crown, but now, in the final months of Crown, we both seem interested in each other. Our life goals aren't ultimately incompatible, but immediate goals have us going to different states... Is it too late to find love? And do you think our attraction could be coming from the shared pressure of graduating?


  1. What do you think of professionals who don't spellcheck statements before posting them? for instance, there's a local higher-up (student speaking) who wrote that it was about tiNe instead of tiMe....

  2. Dear Knickerbocker,
    I have two problems here. I have dated two seemingly "Good Christian Guys" but found out they weren't exactly what they seemed. Combined I have been emotionally abused, controlled, used, and lied to about everything the relationship was based on. During these relationships I became mildly (not clinically) depressed. My first problem is how can I tell the real gentlemen from the fakers.
    As you can probably guess, I trusted these guys too easily and now I'm scared to trust again, I don't want another unhealthy relationship, but I'm scared. How do I know when it's safe to trust again?
